Friday, July 27, 2007


Free Form Jazz/Blues accompanies this song

So you say you’re sorry
you know you hurt me so bad
you LIKE to say you
are sorry

you don't like to see me mad
I know you are sorry
Sorry So and So
But Baby what I want to know
when are you goin' to Apologize to me?

Mmmm hmmm yeah
(a little guitar and bass riff here)

you filled my ears with your
Sweet Talk! (sax)
you filled my head with your
Sweet Talk! (sax and bass)

Oh then Baby you say
Baby it's late
you need to get home (all instruments, piano forefront)

Hmmm mmmm Yeah
(bass and sax riff)
(piano walks it home)

Well BABY guess who works at that Bar
on Merchant Street?
That's right Baby
she's my friend and she said to ME
(squakity sax here)
Oh oh whoa oh
That's right honey you hang your head low,
(bass and piano)
You say,
"Baby baby I am Sorry I cheated on you"
(bass, bass guitar, piano)

Baby I know that you are sorry
You sorry So and So
but What I NEED to know
(tenor sax and guitar)
when are you goin' to apologize to me?

(instrumental sweet, seductive)
(sung smooth, watercolor memory, no anger)
Your mmmm puppy dawg eyes
your Ohhhh firm
and your uhhhh well
a Lady doesn't say
(background musicians mumble agreement, snicker)
(bass walks down the scale)
Kept me in a LOVE fog
I mean you make me
(musicians emphasis phrase)

I found out the truth about you
you Sorry Fellow!

(singer returns to original sassy mood)


I am done with forgivin'
Don't you you beg me you dawg
I know that you are Sorry
Oh yeah
you ARE sorry
You Sorry So and SOOOOO
oh oh oh

(musicians emphasis phrase)


(musicians go to minor key)

hmmmm mmm (yeah baby)
I mean WHEN
(that's right)

(musicians give jazzy bluesy build up, back to original key)

Are you going to

(2 bar riff)

to ME ?

(musicians resolve)

Sung and performed in "Conversational Style".

This line about "yeah you're sorry all right but when are you gonna apologize" has been dancing around in my head for years.
As with Free Style Jazz/Blues, a whole lot of lyrics aren't needed. The Singer's emotions and the skill of the musicians get the story across.

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