Thursday, March 25, 2010

Purple Dog Independents A Group I started called "Purple Dog Independents" in the wake of the passage of the Health Care Reform Bill. Anyone who is a member of FaceBook can join. It is not my intent to endorse any particular Political Party or Candidate. The purpose of this Group is to bring together, in one place, access to information, Links, etc.
Civilized discussion is welcome and encouraged. That includes dissent and disagreement. Just be civil please.
Why the name? Many years ago it was said, of Hard Line Democrats, that they will vote only for a Democrat even if the only one on the ticket were a Yellow Dog.
I confess I don't understand the meaning of "Blue Dog Democrat". Anyway, as "someone" decided that Dems would be represented by the color blue and Repubs by the color red, I combined the two to make Purple.
Our Philosophy will be to vote for who we believe is best for the job, NOT based on their Political Party/Affiliation. And certainly not to cast a vote "against" a "lesser of two Evils". "Hold my nose" and vote for so and so to prevent the opposition from getting a vote? To me THAT is throwing away my vote. I can look at myself in the mirror and be proud that I voted for whom I voted, and by the way that person was an Independent or a member of a Party not Repub or Dem.
Thank you